
Guardem o nome dele: ainda pode ser Nobel

Laurence R. Iannaccone está na The Economist. Eu e o Ari já conhecíamos seus trabalhos de algum tempo. Aliás, parece que o Economics of Religion foi todo redesenhado.

Eis um cara com boas idéias...

Trechos: Are violent religious groups guided by an invisible hand?

PEOPLE who take their religious faith to violent extremes have achieved new notoriety in recent years. As it happens, many of the terrorist atrocities in the Middle East, America and Asia have been sponsored by Islamic radicals. The Taliban, for example, took control of Afghanistan in the 1990s, imposed a strict, religious system of government and created a haven for al-Qaeda. In Israel and the Palestinian territories, Hamas has been one of the most effective terrorist groups, by the grisly measure of success in suicide attacks.


Mr Berman's paper applies this lesson to the Taliban and Hamas, arguing that a similar economic logic might be at work. After all, he notes, these groups also provide many public goods. The Taliban restored law and order, of a sort, to Afghanistan. Hamas's affiliates provide health care and schooling. Extremist groups also seem to weigh carefully the costs and benefits of their ideologies and terror strategies.

He also argues that extremist groups are likely to be especially efficient at running a militia, because militias are prone to the risk of defection. Religious extremists can extract signals of high commitment from their members. They may require them to demonstrate their devotion to the cause by studying holy texts for years or by committing acts of destruction, of which suicide attacks are the most extreme example.

Para os meus alunos calouros: uma religião oferece bens públicos? Como a religião substitui o Estado na provisão de bens públicos? E, finalmente, a mais interessante (um ponto para quem formular a melhor resposta nos comentários até às 08:00 am de amanhã - eu mesmo avaliarei as respostas...mas o prazo é este que estou estabelecendo, conforme meu relógio): se o mercado e o governo podem falhar na provisão de bens públicos, a religião também pode. Explique e exemplifique as "falhas da religião".


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