
Um texto que realmente vale a pena

Um dos mais criativos economistas que conheço, embora não tão famoso: Byran Caplan.

The Economics of Szasz: Preferences, Constraints, and Mental Illness - Submitted to the Journal of Health Economics, March 2004.

Abstract: Even confirmed economic imperialists typically acknowledge that economic theory does not apply to the seriously mentally ill. Building on psychiatrist Thomas Szasz's philosophy of mind, the current paper argues that most mental illnesses are best modeled as extreme preferences, not constraining diseases. This perspective sheds light not only on relatively easy cases like personality disorders, but also on more the extreme cases of delusions and hallucinations. Contrary to Szasz's critics, empirical advances in brain science and behavioral genetics are largely orthogonal to his position. While involuntary psychiatric treatment might still be rationalized as a way to correct intra-family externalities, it is misleading to think about it as a benefit for the patient.


- John Nash Dead.
Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash was killed in a car accident on Saturday, New Jersey State Police told The Huffington Post. The Princeton University scholar was 86 years old. His wife Alicia was also killed in the crash. According...

- Debate Sobre Teoria Econômica
Economists vs. Economics Navigating among economic models – choosing which one will work better – is considerably more difficult than choosing the right map. Practitioners use a variety of formal and informal empirical methods with varying skill....

- Mais Sobre Coase
Coase on the Economists By Peter G. Klein Wednesday,November21st,2012 Ronald Coase has a short piece in the December 2012 Harvard Business Review, “Saving Economics from the Economists” (thanks to Geoff Manne for the tip). Not bad for a fellow...

Um Survey bem recente sobre Social Capital. Este é para o Leo!!! E é lógico, para quem interessar. Social Capital Steven N. Durlauf, Marcel Fafchamps NBER Working Paper No. w10485 Issued in May 2004 ---- Abstract ----- This paper surveys...

Preferências mudam? Outro dia discutimos aqui a questão do Mirabel. O Leo, eu e mais um monte de internautas (um monte? Bem, nem tanto...;-)) ficamos tentando entender belas questões teológicas sobre o Mirabel e nossa infância. Claro que um...

