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Eis aí um bom artigo do Walter Williams.

How Not To Be Poor by Walter Williams -- Capitalism Magazine: "Ministers Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Washington, D.C.'s Mayor Anthony Williams and others recently met to discuss plans to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the October 1995 Million Man March. Whilst reading about the plans, I thought of an excellent topic for the event: how not to be poor.

Avoiding long-term poverty is not rocket science. First, graduate from high school. Second, get married before you have children, and stay married. Third, work at any kind of job, even one that starts out paying the minimum wage. And, finally, avoid engaging in criminal behavior.

If you graduate from high school today with a B or C average, in most places in our country there's a low-cost or financially assisted post-high-school education program available to increase your skills."


- Educação Técnica
Brazilians need to overcome prejudice against technical education In Brazil, 6.6% of students attend regular high school together with some form of vocational education. In OECD countries – the group of rich nations – the rate is 46%. The number...

- Brasil Caro
The Economist explica: Por que o Brasil é tão caro The custo Brasil has many ingredients, including high taxes (36% of GDP, way out of line with the 21% average for upper-middle-income countries), swingeing import duties and rigid labour laws that...

- Walter Williams Fala Sobre Cotas E Mais
Economista americano Walter Williams  O americano Walter Williams nasceu negro e pobre. Negro ele continua sendo, mas depois de ter sido motorista de taxi em Nova York doutorou-se em economia e hoje se apresenta como um exemplo de homem bem...

- Economia Da Pobreza
Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams Here's a recent statement frequently suggested by leftist academics, think tank researchers and policymakers: "People were not just struggling because of their personal deficiencies. There were structural...

Isto, para mim, é muito óbvio... ...e é sempre uma surpresa quando converso com algum brasileiro médio a respeito: sempre há alguém que acha que pode mandar em minha vida porque sabe o que é melhor para mim. Leia mais clicando no trecho...

