
Debates com gente bacana

Aqui não tem nenhum anônimo: ninguém tem medo de assinar embaixo do que pensa. E, também por isto, é que são famosos na história econômica...

Aí vai:

Call for papers: The International Economic History Association meeting in Helsinki on August 21-25, 2006 will have two sessions devoted to the subject of "Islam and Economic Performance." They will feature studies conducted in the spirit of social science research and with a focus on economic outcomes. Confirmed speakers include Metin Cosgel (University of Connecticut), Haggay Etkes (Hebrew University), Avner Greif (Stanford University), Timur Kuran (USC), and Ghislaine Lydon (UCLA). If interested in participating as a speaker, please e-mail a title, abstract, and cv jointly to Avner Greif ([email protected]) and Timur Kuran ([email protected]). The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2005.


- Jstor - Cambridge University
53 Titles in JSTOR AJS Review 1976-2003 2004-2006The British Journal for the History of Science 1962-2003Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science 1949-1961British Journal of Political Science 1971-2003 2004-2006Bulletin of the School...

- Nobel Prize In Economic Sciences 2009 - Thomson Reuters
2009 - NOBEL PREDICTIONS IN ECONOMIC SCIENCES: ERNST FEHRProfessor and Director of the Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland • Winner of the 2004 Cogito Prize of the Cogito Foundation and the 2008 Marcel...

- Individualismo, Inovação E Crescimento Econômico
Individualism, innovation, and long-run growth Yuriy Gorodnichenkoa,b and Gerard Roland Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; b National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138; and c Center for Economic Policy...

Encontros para todos os gostos Alguns deles: Experimental and Behavioral Economics International Meeting The Laboratory for Research in Experimental Economics (LINEEX), the Spanish Highest Council for Scientific Research and CentrA jointly...

Por que o Oriente Médio não se desenvolveu? Timur Kuran, um economista que eu, particularmente, gosto de ler, faz boas observações sobre as instituições que detiveram o desenvolvimento de uma das mais prósperas regiões do mundo por volta do...

